metadata type of 1 products
EO3 for DEA Intertidal

Searchable Fields 🔗

dataset_maturity string One of - final|interim
lat double-range Latitude range
lon double-range Longitude range
region_code string The unique GridSpec reference of the 32 km coastal analysis tile.
time datetime-range Acquisition time range

Additional Fields 🔗

creation_time datetime Time when dataset was created (processed)
dataset_type_id string ID of a dataset type
eo_gsd double Ground sample distance, meters
format string File format (GeoTiff, NetCDF)
id string Dataset UUID
indexed_by string User who indexed the dataset
indexed_time string When dataset was indexed
instrument string Instrument name
intertidal_hat double Highest astronomical tide height (metres above Mean Sea Level)
intertidal_hot double Highest satellite-observed tide height (metres above Mean Sea Level)
intertidal_lat double Lowest astronomical tide height (metres above Mean Sea Level)
intertidal_lot double Lowest satellite-observed tide height (metres above Mean Sea Level)
intertidal_offset_high double Difference between highest astronomical and highest satellite-observed tides (in percentage of tide range)
intertidal_offset_low double Difference between lowest astronomical and lowest satellite-observed tides (in percentage of tide range)
intertidal_otr double Observed tide range (difference between highest and lowest observed tides)
intertidal_spread double Proportion of the tide range observed by satellites (percentage)
intertidal_tr double Tide range (difference between highest and lowest astronomical tides)
intertidal_tr_class string Tide range classification - one of microtidal|mesotidal|macrotidal
label string Label
metadata_doc string Full metadata document
metadata_type string Metadata type name of dataset
metadata_type_id string ID of a metadata type
platform string Platform code
product string Product name
product_family string Product family code
uri string Dataset URI

Definition 🔗